Monday, January 15, 2007

January 15, 2007

It was interesting to see Godfrey reach out to the business and community by forming committees to help build a strategy for the community in the coming years. This is one of the ideas I have had for years that Alton needs to be doing. Not only in Alton itself, but it needs to identify itself with other communities as well and discuss the things that work for them, and things that don’t.

I am considering running for the office of Mayor in Alton in 2009. If this surfaces, I have many areas that we can touch to make this a better place to live, and the first thing would be giving the government back to the people! Secondly, I have no ill feelings with our current government as they are trying the best they know how. Bringing in new blood and thoughts is what we need now as progressive thinking is a requirement today to keep our city in good standings. I am not saying I can do this alone. We need the community involved much like Godfrey has enlisted.

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