Pro Active Leadership
The topic “Being Proactive” is discussed in the first chapter. How fitting is this when it comes to being a leader. Do we see any of our leaders out on a regular basis being proactive in meeting the public? When there is a problem to address, are they there side by side with the people being affected?
In Steven Covy’s book, language is just one way to be proactive, or in many cases not. For example how many times have you heard from our leaders, “There’s nothing I can do.” As a change manager expert in my job, that sentence makes no sense to me, as my response would be, “There must be an alternative and we need to explore all possibilities.” There are many ways to address an issue; just saying no is not an option to me.
An additional way to look at problems in our community is from a proactive focus. Many times concerns will drive a focus on a problem, for example, the loss of businesses has be driving the focus to get more business. But the alternative to this is to have a proactive focus to increase population which will drive down concerns of businesses and allow for the city to flourish. Of course it is much more complex that just a few words in a sentence as you have to be proactive on many fronts such as crime, racial issues, and much more.
Until our leadership learns how to be proactive, the circle of concerns will inherent all the issues and make it very difficult to focus on making this the city it can be. Stop waiting for things to happen and make them happen in a positive manner. Check out or
R. Jennings
Chairman Metro East Green Party
Citizens for a Better Alton
Labels: alton, Green, Green Party, Pro Active